The growth in air transportation has doubled every 15 years, which would bring air traffic to 16 billion passengers and 400 million tons of cargo for the year 2050. This growth has been unwavering despite many financial and world crises of this past century. Evident by extremely large order backlogs for Boeing and Airbus-produced aircraft. The Covid crises will be no different, the world will rebound and flying will return with a vengeance.  

When this takes place, SE Aeronautics will be there to change the industry. The poorly designed and manufactured aircraft will be a thing of the past. The SE200 aircraft will reduce CO2 production by an estimated 80% per seat kilometer and reduce fuel use by an estimated 70%. This means we will go from using 100 billion gallons of fuel (2019) to 30 billion gallons of fuel when our airframes are fully implemented. This design will literally outperform every aircraft in its class. We are talking about range, speed, payload, safety, block hour cost, passenger mile per gallon (PMPG), and ton-miles per gallon (TMPG). Not only will we outperform in all these metrics, but we will also be able to build these aircraft in less than half the time it takes to normally build an aircraft of its size. Couple all these attributes with a plane that also has a useful life that is twice as long, estimated 50 years, our plane is THE plane for the twenty-first century. 

Additionally, as other alternative forms of propulsion systems make their debut, SE Aeronautics airframes will be best suited to implement those systems. Electric or hydrogen engine systems will work the absolute most efficiently when using our designed airframe, guaranteed!